Hemant Chandak
Hemant Chandak is a technology and business professional, focusing on business research and strategy over the last decade. He has a keen interest in public policy, specifically foreign policy and international affairs. He is an MBA by qualification and is currently pursuing a post-graduate program in public policy from the Takshashila Institution in Bangalore, India. Hemant is also an avid photographer and volunteers with ShelterBox, a disaster relief organization based in the United Kingdom.
Latest from Hemant Chandak
दक्षिण एशिया से अलकायदा गायब नहीं हुआ है
जहाँ इस्लामिक स्टेट ऑफ इराक एंड सीरिया ( या दाएश)…
Written by Hemant Chandak
Don’t Count al-Qaeda Out in South Asia
As the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) loses…
Written by Hemant Chandak