Nikhil Mandalaparthy

Nikhil Mandalaparthy is the Advocacy Director at Hindus for Human Rights. His writing on religion and politics in South Asia and its diaspora has appeared in Indian, Pakistani, American, and international media outlets, and he was a 2019 Reporting Fellow with the Pulitzer Center for Crisis Reporting.
Latest from Nikhil Mandalaparthy

غلط معلومات اور جمہوری انحطاط : بھارت میں فیس بک کے مسائل
دسمبر کے اواخر میں، ایک ہندو پنڈت نرسنگھ آنند سرسوتی…
Written by Raju Rajagopal, Nikhil Mandalaparthy

Disinformation and Democratic Backsliding: India’s Facebook Problem
“We can keep making messages go viral, whether they are…
Written by Raju Rajagopal, Nikhil Mandalaparthy