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The Trump Effect: Will India Lean Into the China Thaw in 2025?
Reversing the trend that India and China ties have witnessed in the last half-decade, the coming year is unusually optimistic. For the first time in recent history, bilateral hostilities have taken a backseat, even if straightforward cooperation and trust are…

بھارت چین پس قدمی: دوطرفہ اور علاقائی مضمرات
سال 2020 میں خصوصاََ وادیٔ گلوان جھڑپ کے بعد سے دونوں فریقین کے مابین بڑھتے ہوئےتناؤ کو مدنظر رکھتے ہوئے،بھارت اور چین کے درمیان حالیہ سرحدی معاہدہ ایک اہم سفارتی پیش رفت ہے۔ مشرقی لداخ میں شروع ہونے والی فوجی…

पर्वतों से समुद्री तटों तक: गलवान के पश्चात् भारत-चीन प्रतिस्पर्धा
भारत और चीन के बीच 2020 के लद्दाख संकट ने संबंधों पर अपेक्षा से अधिक प्रभाव डाला है। उल्लेखनीय प्रवृत्ति के स्वरूप देखा गया है कि भारत-चीन प्रतिस्पर्धा महाद्वीपीय सीमा तक सीमित नहीं रहा है, बल्कि इसका महत्वपूर्ण समुद्री आयाम…

India-China Disengagement: Bilateral and Regional Implications
The recent border agreement between India and China marks a significant diplomatic breakthrough, especially considering the heightened tensions between the two sides following the Galwan Valley clash in 2020. Reached after years of negotiations to resolve a military standoff that…

Are India-China Ties on the Mend?
In the past few months, there has been a sudden uptick in official interactions between India and China. Their foreign ministers met twice in July, followed by the 30th and 31st rounds of the Working Mechanism for Consultation & Coordination…

Maldives-India Rapprochement: Of Economic Pressures and Strategic Rebalancing
After almost a year of antagonistic rhetoric toward India and a shift toward China, the Maldives appears to be taking steps to mend and strengthen its traditional ties with New Delhi. On August 26, a high-level delegation from the Indian…