Return to articlePartition Research Projects: Their Achievements and Shortcomings
As India and Pakistan celebrate their respective independence days on August 15th and August 14th, there are miniscule and steadily shrinking sections of the population which also look back to the other event which coincided with independence, i.e. partition. For…
Either Eat Grass or Confront the Bomb – There Is Room for Middle Ground
It’s amazing how academia (pretty much like any field) contains its share of pessimists and optimists who manage to polarize opinion. The caveat that needs to be understood, however, is from where the pessimism or optimism stems; whether it is…
Quote of the Week: Illusions of the Nuclear Age
In India's Nuclear Bomb, George Perkovich offers four "exploded illusions" of the nuclear age: 1. Security concerns decisively determine proliferation, 2. Nonproliferation is the flip-side of the proliferation coin, 3. Democracy facilitates nonproliferation, and 4.Equitable disarmament in unnecessary for nonproliferation. In…
Article Review: “New Delhi’s Long Nuclear Journey: How Secrecy and Institutional Roadblocks Delayed India’s Weaponization”
Article Review: Gaurav Kampani. “New Delhi’s Long Nuclear Journey: How Secrecy and Institutional Roadblocks Delayed India’s Weaponization,” International Security 38:4 (Spring 2014): 79-114. Gaurav Kampani examines a significant research puzzle in nuclear proliferation literature, namely, India’s slow weaponization process. Addressing the…
Voices this Week: Nuclear Scholarship
Voices this Week draws together published material on an important strategic issue in South Asia. This week: we draw upon an ongoing conversation on the merits of qualitative and quantitative analysis in nuclear scholarship. A recent H-Diplo International Security Studies Forum…
India’s Impending Strategic Culture Debate, Part III
Read Part One Here Read Part Two Here Take a trip to Kew Gardens if you are in London or the RER to La Courneuve if you are in Paris (and read French). Drop by the LBJ Library while enjoying…