Soft Power
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From Ambition to Action: India’s Quest for Global Diplomatic Influence
The story of India’s rising diplomatic clout is best defined as a paradox. On the one hand, India’s importance in world politics, due to its economic potential and strategic value, is at its zenith. On the other hand, it is…

China’s Fight Against India’s Soft Power: The Case Against ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’
The theme of this year’s G20 summit held in New Delhi was ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ a Sanskrit word which translates to ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’. Originating from the Hindu text Maha Upanishad, this concept promotes global unity, urging nations…

Nepal and a Feminist Foreign Policy
In July 2021, Ratnanagar Municipality in Bagmati Pradesh enacted a policy that banned women with children under the age of two from going abroad for foreign employment. The local representatives reasoned that children were deprived of maternal care when mothers…

India’s Quest for Image Management Through International Broadcasting
India’s state-owned broadcaster, Doordarshan, is set to embark on a global expansion with a new Doordarshan International broadcasting channel, as per a recent Expression of Interest (EoI) by Prasar Bharati, India’s Public Service Broadcaster. The government is inviting project report…

پاکستان کی سافٹ پاور میں موجود غیر استفادہ شدہ صلاحیت
وزیراعظم عمران خان کی قیادت میں پاکستان کی خارجہ پالیسی زیادہ فعال ہوچکی ہے کیونکہ پاکستان نے بین الاقوامی رجحانات پر براہ راست ردعمل دیا ہے۔ سفارتی طور سے پاکستان بین الاقوامی مسائل جیسا کہ ماحولیاتی تبدیلی اور اسلاموفوبیا پر…

Pakistan’s Untapped Soft Power Potential
Pakistan’s foreign policy under Prime Minister Imran Khan has grown more proactive as Pakistan has responded directly to international trends. Diplomatically, Pakistan has become vocal about global issues such as climate change and Islamophobia. Its strong response to the latest…