As the Nuclear Suppliers Group considers the membership of India and Pakistan at its next plenary meeting this month, SAV contributors Saima Sial, Ruhee Neog, Reshmi Kazi, and Beenish Altaf think through the outcome of the vote, and analyze the potential aftermath of both the acceptance and denial of each country’s membership.
In Nuclear Suppliers Group: Impact of India’s Membership, Saima Sial argues that India’s reluctance in accepting and fulfilling nonproliferation obligations like a moratorium on fissile material production, signing the CTBT, and strict nuclear fuel tracking by suppliers could go against its inclusion in the group.
In Nuclear Suppliers Group: Why India will be Kept Out, Ruhee Neog contends that China, the “non-proliferation hardliner” countries, and the inability of the United States to rally NSG states will likely play a spoiler role in India’s bid.
In Nuclear Suppliers Group: Pakistan’s Options, Beenish Altaf argues that Pakistan would question the value of engaging with the nonproliferation regime if India is included as a member of the NSG while Pakistan is kept out, and outline’s Pakistan’s options in such a scenario.
In Nuclear Suppliers Group: Why Pakistan Needs to do More, Reshmi Kazi argues that Pakistan must make substantial efforts to curb nuclear proliferation, eliminate terrorism, refrain from first-use strategies, stabilize relations with India, and cooperate with India to strengthen regional nuclear security before it can be considered for NSG membership.
Image 1: Nuclear Suppliers Group 2014 via Wikimedia Commons