Ahsan Chaudhary

Ahsan Yousaf Chaudhary holds a master’s degrees in law and international relations from universities in Pakistan and the United Kingdom respectively. He was a Commonwealth Scholar at University of Bristol, UK (2014-15) where he studied proliferation of nuclear weapons and IR theory. In 2014, he participated in short courses on nuclear diplomacy and cyber security at CTBTO, Vienna, Austria and the Defense Academy of the United Kingdom, Swindon. His training in law and international relations offers him a unique vantage point to (re)explore IR theory and nuclear proliferation. He has presented his research in international conferences at universities in the U.K. and at Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), Washington, DC. His areas of research include, IR Theory, nonproliferation, democratization, and Pakistan’s civil-military relations.
Latest from Ahsan Chaudhary

Banning the Bomb: Pakistan’s Perspective
Calls to ban the bomb are as old as the…