Ankit Rana

Ankit Rana received a master's degree in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. His interests include issues of geopolitics, nuclear deterrence, nuclear disarmament, cyber warfare, diplomacy, network-centric warfare and military automation. He has been awarded the UGC JRF fellowship in International Relations. He tweets at @CensureMotion
Latest from Ankit Rana

भारत की शरणार्थी नीति विवेकाधीन है भेदभावपूर्ण नहीं
** इस श्रृंखला का पहले भाग यहां पढ़ें। ** भारत…
Written by Ankit Rana

India’s Refugee Policy is Discretionary, Not Discriminatory
Editor's Note: This piece is a response to an article…
Written by Ankit Rana

Towards Nuclear Disarmament in South Asia: What Can Civil Society Do?
On July 7, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) voted…
Written by Ankit Rana