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The Trump Effect: Will India Lean Into the China Thaw in 2025?
Reversing the trend that India and China ties have witnessed in the last half-decade, the coming year is unusually optimistic. For the first time in recent history, bilateral hostilities have taken a backseat, even if straightforward cooperation and trust are…

عمران خان: ایک سویلین ڈکٹیٹر کا انجام
اپریل ۹ کو نصف شب بیت چکی تھی جب پاکستان کی پارلیمنٹ عمران خان کے تقریباً چار سالہ دور حکمرانی اور ایک ایسے بحران کو کامیابی سے ختم کر پائی جو اب اعصاب کو تھکا دینے والا ایک سوپ ڈرامہ…

Imran Khan: The End of a Civilian Dictator
It was past midnight on April 9 that Pakistan’s parliament successfully managed to end almost four years of rule by Imran Khan and a crisis that had begun to look like an intense but emotionally draining soap opera. Khan had…

فقید النظیر سویلین بغاوت: پاکستان سیاسی اضطراب کی لپیٹ میں
پاکستان کی حکمران جماعت نے، حزب اختلاف کی عدم اعتماد کے ووٹ کی درخواست کے ردعمل میں ملک کی پارلیمنٹ کو تحلیل کر دیا۔ جس نے گزشتہ چند دنوں کے دوران اس عمل کی آئینی حیثیت کے بارے میں…

The Unprecedented Civilian Coup: Pakistan Descends into Political Turmoil
The ruling government of Pakistan dissolved the country’s parliament as a response to the opposition parties’ request for a no-confidence vote. This precipitated heavy debate about the constitutionality of this act over the past few days: Khan blamed unverified foreign…

Feminist Foreign Policy and Anti-Authoritarianism in South Asia
“I see nothing grand or impossible about our expressing our readiness for universal interdependence rather than independence…Nor have I slightest difficulty in agreeing that in these days of rapid intercommunication and growing consciousness of oneness of all mankind, we must…