India-Bangladesh Relations
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शेख़ हसीना के बाद बांग्लादेश: भारत को अनिश्चितताओं से कैसे निपटना चाहिए?
कुछ समय से बांग्लादेश में विरोध प्रदर्शन चल रहे थे, जिसके चलते सैकड़ों लोग हताहत थे और प्रधानमंत्री शेख हसीना को भी अपना त्यागपत्र देना पड़ा| मूल रूप से, बांग्लादेश में विरोध प्रदर्शन देश की आरक्षण प्रणाली के विरुद्ध प्रारम्भ…

India Must Match China’s Speedy Moves in Bangladesh’s New Political Landscape
In early September, Chinese Ambassador to Bangladesh Yao Wen met with Shafiqur Rahman, the chief of the Bangladeshi political party Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI), at the party's central office in Dhaka. According to various reports, Yao termed the JeI a "well-organized" and…

Sheikh Hasina’s Political Demise and Bangladesh’s Foreign Policy in the Yunus Era
The fall of Sheikh Hasina is arguably the most significant political event in the history of post-independent Bangladesh. Her one-and-a-half decade grip on power has finally been shaken loose by a mass uprising led by students, a feat that her…

How India Should Navigate Uncertainties in a Post-Hasina Bangladesh
For well over a month, large-scale protests have ravaged Bangladesh, resulting in hundreds of casualties and the resignation of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. The protests originally began as a movement against Bangladesh's quota system, which reserves 56 percent of government…

Prospects for India-Bangladesh Relations in Modi and Hasina’s New Terms
In June, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh visited India twice within twelve days – the first time to attend Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony and second, to take stock of the bilateral relationship. This symbolizes the high…

بھارت اور بنگلہ دیش کو موسمیاتی نقل مکانی سے مل جل کر نمٹنا ہو گا
گزشتہ ماہ بنگلہ دیش جانے والے ایک امریکی وفد کے تین روزہ دورے کے دوران، پناہ گزین اور موسمیاتی تبدیلی، دونوں ہی سفارتی ایجنڈے پر نمایاں دکھائی دیے۔ وفد کے شرکاء نے بنگلہ دیش کو موسم کے باعث ساتویں نمبر…