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The Compulsions and Challenges of Indian Strategic Autonomy Amid the Russia-Ukraine War
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy meeting thrice in the past three months has generated a lot of debate about India’s relationship with Ukraine and its potential role in negotiating for peace between Kyiv and Moscow. As the…

Indian Irredentism and the Ukraine Crisis
Despite tremendous pressure to condemn Russia for its invasion of Ukraine last year, New Delhi has refused to take a hard line against Moscow. In the year since the invasion, India has displayed a willingness to issue statements favoring peace and diplomatic…

Continental Drift? India-Russia Ties After One Year of War in Ukraine
“What we realized in the last couple of years, based maybe on a direct fallout of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the pandemic situation…[was] that we need to become self-reliant. We also need to have more robust and secure supply chains…

بھارت روس سے تعلقات کیوں نہیں توڑے گا
بھارت یوکرین تنازعے کے آغاز کے مقابلے میں حالیہ دنوں کے دوران جنگ کے بارے میں زیادہ شدت سے آواز بلند کرتا رہا ہے، جس کا آغاز وزیراعظم نریندر مودی کے تبصرے سے ہوا جو انہوں نے ستمبر ۲۰۲۲ کے…

Military Lessons from the Russia-Ukraine War for South Asia
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has had profound consequences for South Asia, continuing to shape the region's existing perceptions and policies on conventional warfare and nuclear signaling. This two-part series examines the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war on India and Pakistan’s…

India’s G20 Presidency: Providing Substance to Summitry
As the world witnesses the three big Cs of concern – climate change, conflict, and COVID-19 –cooperation among major global powers has become an unavoidable imperative. This was the geopolitical climate in which India received the G20 presidency from Indonesia…