Naval Deterrence
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SAV Q&A Understanding Naval Competition in the Indian Ocean Region
To celebrate the release of Naval Competition in the Indian Ocean Region, a new online course from the Stimson Center South Asia program’s Strategic Learning initiative, the South Asian Voices (SAV) editorial team collaborated with the Strategic Learning team on…

آبدوزیں بحرہند میں ہندوستان کی ابھرتی ہوئی قوت کی کلید ہیں
شمال مغربی بحر ہند میں سمندری تجارت گزشتہ چھ ماہ کے دوران دوہرے خطرات کا شکار رہی ہے۔ ایک طرف یمن سے تعلق رکھنے والے حوثی باغیوں نےبحیرہ احمر سے گزرنے وا لے بین الاقوامی بحری جہازوں پر حملے کیے…

Submarines are Key to India’s Evolving Force Posture in the Indian Ocean
Maritime commerce in the Northwestern Indian Ocean has been vulnerable to twin threats in the last six months. On the one hand, the Yemen-based Houthis have attacked international shipping passing through the Red Sea to draw global pressure on Israel…

Maritime Modernization Threatens Deterrence in South Asia
The Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean are becoming complex matrixes of military ambitions amid recent shifts by India and Pakistan to acquire new naval platforms, emphasizing the growing strategic importance of the Indian Ocean’s Sea Lines of Communication (SLOCs).…