In September 2013, the Stimson Center launched South Asian Voices (SAV). Ten years later, SAV has transformed from a blog for informal, free-flowing debate between young analysts in India and Pakistan to an online policy platform for informed analysis on South Asia’s economic, political, and strategic affairs. In this time, SAV has been:
1. Encouraging Innovative Analysis on South Asia: The Top 10
Read the editorial team’s selection of the most popular articles from SAV ‘s inception to the present.
2. Engaging Rising Analysts Globally
This interactive map shows the geographic diversity of SAV’s 450+ contributors globally.
3. Facilitating Cross-Border Debate on Complex and Contentious Issues
Look back on SAV ‘s featured series, which have been a cornerstone in the platform’s mission to facilitate cross-border debate on the most polarizing issues in the subcontinent.
4. Reaching Vast Global Audiences
SAV ‘s informed analysis on the region’s intricate security, political, and economic dynamics reaches more readers now than ever before.

5. Enhancing Understanding of the Region

Experts Reflect on 10 Years of South Asia
Read reflections from senior experts and past SAV contributors on the changes and continuities in the region over the past decade.